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Plants - Crafts - Food - Talent

The exhibits and entries seen in the Exibition hall are the great examples of the hard working men and women in the Southern Illinois region.  The work seen can take months of work sometimes, as well as talent and skill.  When you come out to the fair, make sure to walk through the exhibition hall to see the fine works of our exhibitors!

New Online Entry Form
Opens 8/12/24!!
clink on FairEntry Link below
Fair Entry logo.png


Grain, Seed and Vegetables


       Superintendent -  David Nave


   Premiums: 1st-$12; 2nd-$10; 3rd-$8

      Amount offered in this class, $1,710

  Entry fee $3.00, to be paid at time of entry.

     All entries are to be grown by exhibitor.


The following classes will have open registration on the following days:

  1. Friday, August 16 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  2. Saturday, August 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 pm., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  3. Sunday, August 18 from 10:00am until 3:00 pm., bring all items to be displayed.


                                         Judging begins at 3:30pm Sunday, August 18.




  • All articles in this class must be in marketable condition at time of entry

  • Articles not in marketable condition will be removed

  • Articles are to be removed between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024. The Fair Association will not be responsible for articles not claimed by 3:00pm on Sunday 25, 2024.



Section 1. CROPS

1000-Soybeans, maturity crops, stage #3 bundle of (5) stalks with roots

1001-Soybeans, maturity crops, stage #4 bundle of (5) stalks with roots

1002-Soybeans, maturity crops, stage #5 bundle of (5) stalks with roots


Section 2.CORN,  2018-2019

2 ears of each

1003-Hybrid Seed Corn

1004-Indian Corn

1005-Popcorn (large) quart

1006-Broom corn (3) stalks




1007--Fescue (1) bale

1008-Soybeans, (1) quart

1009-Alfalfa (1) bale

1010-Timothy (1) bale

1011-Orchard Grass Mix (1) bale


Section 4. PEPPERS


1012- Green hot peppers, 3 per plate

1013-Red hot peppers, 3 per plate

1014-Banana peppers, 3 per plate

1015-Miscellaneous peppers, 3 per plate

1016-Big Bertha

1017-Keystone Giant


1019-Lady Bell

1020-Big John



Section 5.POTATOES

1022-White, any variety, 5 per plate

1023-Red, any variety, 5 per plate



1024-Centennial, 5 per plate

1025-Puerto Rico, 5 per plate

1026- Beauregard, 5 per plate

1027- Georgia Jet, 5 per plate

1028- Oklahoma Red, 5 per plate



1029-Onions, White Spanish, 4 per plate

1030-Onion, Yellow, 4 per plate

1031-Garlic, 3 bulbs per plate

1032-Green Beans, bush, 6 pods

1033-Yellow Bunch Beans, 6 per plate

1034-Okra, 4 per plate

1035-Cucumber, 4 per plate

1036-Sweet Corn, 4 ears

1037-Eggplant, 3

1038-Vegetable Soup, plate of 1 each vegetable

1039-New England Boiled Dinner: display of head of cabbage and at least 4 root vegetables


1041-Any vegetable, decorated, County Fair Theme

1042-Best vegetable, 1 quart

1043-Exhibit of fresh herbs in water, 6 stalks

1044-Any vegetable not mentioned


Section 8.GOURDS

1045 - Gourds, 6 mixed variety

1046 - Gourds, best dressed costume, county fair theme

1047- Fall arrangement using agricultural products.



1048-Mini pumpkins, 1/2 dozen

1049-Pumpkin with painted or inked design

1050-Largest pumpkin

1051-Hale's Best

1052- Squash, butternut,  3 per plate

1053- Squash, zucchini,  3 per plate, gray and black

1054- Squash, acorn, 3 per plate

1055-Squash, white, 3 per plate

1056-Squash, yellow, 3 per plate

1057-Squash, largest 

1058-Largest watermelon

1059-Sunflower, seeded






   Superintendent - David Nave


 Premiums: 1st-$12; 2nd-$10; 3rd-$8

      Amount offered in this class, $540

Entry fee $3.00, to be paid at time of entry.

   All entries are to be grown by exhibitor.


The following classes will have open registrationon the following days:

  1. Friday, August 16 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  2. Saturday, August 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 pm., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  3. Sunday, August 18 from 10:00am until 3:00 pm., bring all items to be displayed.


                                         Judging begins at 3:30pm Sunday, August 18.


  • All articles in this class must be in marketable condition at time of entry

  • Articles not in marketable condition will be removed

  • All plate exhibits shall consist of exactly four specimen and must be correctly named and labeled; otherwise they will be disqualified.  In general displays, only one sample of each variety will  be allowed.

  • Articles are to be removed between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024. The Fair Association will not be responsible for articles not claimed by 3:00pm on Sunday 25, 2024.


All entries must be grown by the exhibitor



1100-Best packed 10 lb. basket of apples

1101-Best packed 10 lb. basket of peaches

1102-Best packed 10 lb. basket of pears

1103-Best commercial pack of tomatoes

1104-Best display of apples by grower

   (Display to consist of five varieties and five of each)

1105-Best display of peaches by grower

  (Display to consist of five varieties and five of each)

1106-Best display of assorted fruit, 4 per plate




1107-Apples of Same Variety

1108-Peaches of Same Variety

1109-Pears of Same Variety

1110-Grapes of Same Variety


Section 3.  TOMATOES

(Plate of Tomatoes, four specimen per plate)




1114-Cherry or Grape

1115-Largest, any variety

1116-Any variety, not listed

1117-Best display, at least 4 varieties










Superintendent- Susan Askew


Premiums: 1st-$12; 2nd-$10; 3rd-$8

      Amount offered in this class, $540

  Entry fee $3.00, to be paid at time of entry


The following classes will have open registrationon the following days:

  1. Friday, August 16 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  2. Saturday, August 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 pm., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  3. Sunday, August 18 from 10:00am until 3:00 pm., bring all items to be displayed.


                                         Judging begins at 3:30pm Sunday, August 18.


  • Fresh cut plant material to be used in arrangement classes unless otherwise stated.

  • Foliage will be allowed for filler in arrangement classes.

  • No artificial flowers or foliage allowed in any class.

  • Flowers in horticultural classes must be grown by exhibitor.

  • Please be sure all flowers are accurately weighted for display.

  • Accessories may be used in all arrangement classes

  • Articles are to be removed between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024. The Fair Association will not be responsible for articles not claimed by 3:00pm on Sunday 25, 2024.


All entries must be grown by the exhibitor



Anna-Jo Garden Club will award $50 cash to the floral entry selected as the Best of Show.



1200-Wild Flower Arrangement

1201-Arrangement featuring a shell & flowers

1202-Arrangement in a recycled container

1203-A composition of ballons and blooms

1204-Arrangement showcasing local products

1205-A small table arrangement with a spring theme

1206-Arrangement using one flower only, foliage or accessories are permitted

1207-Arrangement of different shades of yellow

1208-Arrangement of suitable for an doctor's office

1209-Arrangement of red, white and blue

1210-Arrangement of foliage only-no flowers

1211-Arrangement suitable for a church

1212-Any arrangement not mentioned



Specimen to be displayed in fruit jars or bottles.

All specimen must have foliage on.

1213-Rose, red, 1

1214-Coneflower, 3 blooms

1215-Rose, color not listed above, 1

1216-Coleus, 2 stems

1217-Sunflower, fresh, 1, any bloom

1218-Celosia (cox comb) crested, 1 stalk

1219-Celosia (cox comb) plumed, 1 stalk

1220-Zinnia, giant, 1 color, 3 blooms

1221-Zinnia, giant, mixed color, 4 blooms

1222-Zinnia, cactus, 1 color, 1 bloom

1223-Zinnia Dwarf, 1 color, 3 blooms

1224-Zinnia Dwarf, mixed colors, 3 blooms

1225-Dahlia, large, 1 bloom

1226-Hydrangea, 1 bloom

1227-Knockout Rose, 1 spray, any color

1228-Gladiola, any color, 1 stem

1229-Cosmos, any color(s), 3 blooms

1230-Marigold, 4 blooms

1231-Succulants, cacti, etc.

1232-Petunias, 1 color, 4 stems

1233-Vinca (Periwinkle), 4 stems

1234-Crepe Myrtle, 2 stems

1235-Impatiens, any color, 4 stems

1236-Salvia, any color, 3 blooms

1237-Wildflower collection, 5 blooms

1238-A collection of cut flowers, 6 blooms

1239-Any bloom not listed in other classes

1240-Non-traditional sunflower, 1 bloom

1241-Daisy, 3, any color




1242-Dish Garden of foliage plants(3 or more varieties in a container)


1244-Fern (container no more than 10-12 inches)

1245-Foliage plant (container no more than 10-12 inches)

1246-Any blooming plant

1247-Blooming hanging  plant

1248-Foliage hanging basket



Superintendent:  Stephanie Theis


    Premiums: 1st-$12; 2nd-$10; 3rd-$8

      Amount offered in this class, $3,960

 Entry fee $3.00; to be paid at time of entry.

No frame unless it is ready to hang.


The following classes will have open registrationon the following days:

  1. Friday, August 16 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  2. Saturday, August 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 pm., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  3. Sunday, August 18 from 10:00am until 3:00 pm., bring all items to be displayed.


                                         Judging begins at 3:30pm Sunday, August 18.



  • Articles are to be removed between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024. The Fair Association will not be responsible for articles not claimed by 3:00pm on Sunday 25, 2024.

  • This class includes Fine Arts, Crafts, Hobbies, Collections, and Needle work, current and antique.

  • All exhibits from Illinois only and must be current year's work.

  • Each article must be made or collected by the person who enters it.




1300-Pencil drawing

1301-Pen and ink drawing

1302-Charcoal or pastel

1303-Oil painting

1304-Acrylic painting, landscape

1305-Acrylic painting, still life

1306-Liquid crayon

1307-Water color

1308-Acryllic, other

1309-Union County Landmark, in any above medium

1310-Free hand sculpture in any medium (clay, plaster, salt dough, paper mache)

1311-Black and white photography

1312-Color photography, nature and landscape

1313-Color photography, portraits and figures

1314-Color photography, other


1315-Basket weaving

1316-Weaving other natural materials


1318-Wood Carving, 1 article

1319-Painted craft item


1321-Doll, made from pattern

1322-Doll, original design

1323-Crafted toy

1324-Woodworking, large item

1325-Woodworking, small item (under 6 inches)

1326-Wreath, with artificial accessories

1327-Swag with artificial accessories.

1328-Lawn decorations

1329-Collections, natural

1330-Collections, other

1331-Stained glass

1332-Craft item, not mentioned



1333-Table decoration

1334-Tree ornament

1335-Holiday wreath

1336-Holiday craft, not mentioned


SECTION 4. ANTIQUES (50 Years or Older) 

-Jodi Hudson-

1337-Union County Memorabilia, Not more than 5 pieces.

1338-Colored Glass Set, Not more than 5 pieces

1339-Cookbooks, 2 items

1340-Relish Dish or Tray

1341-Military Items, (5 pieces)

1342-Candlesticks - Matching Pair

1343-Wooden Article, handmade, 1 item

1344-Stoneware or Pottery, Not more than 2 pieces

1345-Tobacco Related Item(s)

1346-Cowboy/Western Item(s)

1347-Matched cream and sugar, two sets

1348-Cake Plate or Stand

1349-Hunting or Fishing item (s)

1350-Metal Objects, Not more than 3 items

1351-Kitchen item(s)

1352-Music boxes, Not more than 3 items

1353-Powers Jar and/or Puff Box, 2 items

1354-Antique Toy

1355-Antique Basket

1356-Collection of cards (announcements, invitations, advertising)

1357-Collection of cups or saucers, 3 sets

1358-Collection of teapots, 3 items

1359-International Item, Not more than 3

1360-Hand painted china or porcelain plate

1361-Religious Item

1362-Children's Books, 4 books

1363-Antique Needle craft item, Not more than 3

1364-Christmas Ornament(s)

1365-Antique collection not mentioned above, not more than 5 items



-Conda Nave-

1366-Hand quilted pieced bed quilt

1367-Hand quilted appliquéd bed quilt

1368-Hand quilted embroidered bed quilt

1369-Machine quilted pieced bed quilt

1370-machine quilted appliquéd bed quilt

1371-Machine quilted embroidered bed quilt

1372-Hand quilted pieced wall hanging or baby quilt

1373-Hand quilted wall hanging or baby quilt

1374-Hand quilted embroidered wall hanging or baby quilt

1375-Machine quilted pieced wall hanging or baby quilt

1376-Machine quilted wall hanging or baby quilt

1377- T-Shirt Quilt or Throw

1378-Tacked comforter, any size

1379-Miscellaneous quilted item - placemats, pillow shams, etc.

1380-Antique Quilt, at least 50 years old



-Conda Nave-

1381-Embroidered luncheon cloth

1382-Embroidered Christmas table runner

1383-Embroidered dresser scarf

1384-Machine embroidered towels, (2)

1385-Hand embroidered dish towels (2)

1386-Counted Cross Stitch baby afghan

1387-Counted cross stitch Christmas stocking 

1388-Counted cross stitch sampler (not larger than 11 x 14 framed)

1389-Counted cross stitch picture

1390-Needlepoint on plastic canvas, 4 coasters

1391-Crewel needlework pillow

1392-Crewel needlework picture

1393-Appliqued pillow

1394-Swedish weaving (huck) towel, 1

1395-Miscellaneous needlework item not mentioned



-Conda Nave-

Items need to be crafted with needle, thread, cloth or yarn.

1396-Soft sculpture doll with clothes

1397-Throw pillow with decorative trim

1398-Fancy sofa pillow

1399-Sewn tote bag or purse

1400-Stuffed animal or toy

1401-Braided Rug, any Material

1402-Smocked item

1403-Miscellaneous needlecraft item not listed




-Conda Nave-


1404-Halloween Costume

1405-Original Baby Onesie

1406-Toddler sleepwear 

1407-Ladies blouse or shirt

1408-Sublimation Clothing Item

1409-Heat Transfer Vinyl Clothing Item

1410-Slacks or Skirt



1413-Miscellaneous Clothing



-Conda Nave-

1414-Long Scarf & Hat

1415-Scarf, stole or shawl

1416-Infant set (2 or more pieces)

1417-Baby afghan

1418-Afghan - 4 or more colors

1419-Granny square afghan



1422-Miscellaneous Crocheting



-Conda Nave-

1423-Sweater, single color



1426-Small Kitchen Item

1427-Hat and/or scarf


1429-Baby afghan

1430-Shawl or poncho

1431-Miscellaneous Knitting



Superintendent - Lori Rich


    Premiums:  1st - $12; 2nd - $10; 3rd - $8

   Amount offered:  $1050

    Entry fee:  $3.00, to be paid at time of entry  

      Entries for this class must be received  and in place by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2024

   Judging will begin at 3:00 pm that same day.



Class N Rules:

1.  Section 260.95   Junior classes are eligible for premium state aid only if they are open to boys and girls who are 8 years of age or in the third grade and not yet 21 years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair."  

2.  Any youth living outside of the county, but belonging to an organized club or group or attending school within Union or Johnson County, may enter exhibits at the Union County Fair.

3.  Each exhibitor will assume all risk for his/her exhibit.

4.  All junior entries other than livestock will be entered Saturday, August 17, 2024 between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.

5.  $3.00 entry fee per exhibit.  NO REFUNDS

6.  Each exhibitor must present a completed exhibitor's entry form with the entry fee at the time of entering exhibits.

7.  There must be an entry tag for each entry.  This tag will be secured at the point of registration at the time the exhibits are brought in.  An exhibitor may enter a class only once unless otherwise stated.

8.  Any youth that exhibits at the fair will receive a pass free of charge upon proof of exhibit.  This pass, an arm band, is good for all days of the fair. 

9.  No exhibit will be released prior to 1:00 pm on Sunday, August 18, 2024 and all exhibits must be picked up before 3:00 pm, Sunday August 25, 2024.  The fair board reserves the right to withhold payment of premiums to individuals who do not abide by this rule.

10.  The fair will not be responsible for items not claimed after 3 pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024. 

11. Division superintendents will act as supervisors of exhibits in all classes.  

12.  Decisions of the judges will be final in all classes.

13. Exhibitors may enter 2 articles in the same class.



Special school trophies will be presented.  


Section 1:   GRADE 3

1500-Best display of science or social studies work

1501-Best display of computer work

1502-Best display of any work not listed above

1503-Best display of language arts work


Section 2:   GRADE 4

1504-Best display of science or social studies work

1505-Best display of computer work

1506-Best display of any work not listed above

1507-Best display of language arts work


Section 3:  GRADE 5

1508-Best display of science or social studies work

1509-Best display of computer work

1510-Best display of any work not listed above

1511-Best display of language arts work


Section 4:  GRADE 6

1512-Best display of science or social studies work

1513-Best display of computer work

1514-Best display of any work not listed above

1515-Best display of language arts work


Section 5:  GRADE 7

1516-Best display of science or social studies work

1517-Best display of computer work

1518-Best display of any work not listed above

1519-Best display of language arts work


Section 6:  GRADE 8

1520-Best display of science or social studies work

1521-Best display of computer work

1522-Best display of any work not listed above

1523-Best display of language arts work


Section 7:   HIGH SCHOOL

1524-Best exhibit general studies, include science literature, history, Ect.

1525-Best  exhibit of vocational studies, includes Ag., Home Ec., Shop, Ect.

1526-Notebook collection of a subject



1527-Display of original writing, poetry, essay or story, ages 8-11

1528-Display of original writing, poetry, essay or story, ages 12-15

1529-Display of original writing, poetry, essay or story, ages 16-19

1530-Display of original writing, poetry, essay or story, ages 19-21


Section 9:  COLLEGE WORK (Ages 18-21 ONLY)

1531-Display of vocational work

1532-Display of science work

1533-Display of computer work




   Premiums: 1st-$12; 2nd-$10; 3rd-$8

  Amount offered this department: $2,250

A $3.00 entry fee, to be paid at time of entry



The following classes will have open registrationon the following days:

  1. Friday, August 16 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  2. Saturday, August 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 pm., tags issued, do NOT bring items until Sunday

  3. Sunday, August 18 from 10:00am until 3:00 pm., bring all items to be displayed.


                                         Judging begins at 3:30pm Sunday, August 18.



  • All articles in this class must be in marketable condition at time of entry

  • Articles not in marketable condition will be removed

  • All entries must be processed by the exhibitor

  • All plate exhibits shall consist of exactly four specimen and must be correctly named and labeled; otherwise they will be disqualified.  In general displays, only one sample of each variety will  be allowed.

  • Articles are to be removed between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024. The Fair Association will not be responsible for articles not claimed by 3:00pm on Sunday 25, 2024.​

  • All baked goods must be sealed in zip style plastic bags, and on a small paper plate.

  • All canned fruits and vegetables must have been canned in the current season.

  • Baked goods may be cut and sampled when judged.

  • All baked goods and candies must be on a small paper plate and sealed in a clear plastic zip style bag.





(In standard canning pint jars only, with bands on, No Zinc lids!)






1605-Sliced apples

1606-Tomato juice




1610-Green beans



1613-Green peas


1615-Mixed vegetables

1616-Whole beets

1617-Any not listed



1618-Any meat

1619-Camper Stew (meat & vegetable)



(1/2 pint jar only, must be sealed and band on)




1623-Any not listed



(In jelly jars sealed with band on)








1631-Any not listed



(1/2 pint jars, must be sealed with band on)

1632-Strawberry jam

1633-Raspberry jam

1634-Blackberry jam

1635-Peach jam

1636-Apple butter

1637-Any not listed in jam, butter or conserve



(Pint jars sealed with the band on)

1638-Green tomato

1639-Dill pickles

1640-Cucumber, whole or sliced, sweet

1641-Relish corn

1642-Beets, pickled

1643-Bread and butter

1644-Relish, any type


1646-Peppers, any type

1647-Any type of pickles not listed



(All items are to be placed on small paper plate with Zip-loc bag for baked goods and candies.)

1648-Bread, yeast (1/2 large loaf or 2 small loaf)

1649-Dinner rolls, 4

1650-Cinnamon rolls, 4

1651-Zucchini bread (1/2 large loaf or 1 small loaf)

1652-Banana bread (1/2 large loaf or 1 small loaf)

1653-Nut bread with any fruit (1/2 large loaf or 1 small loaf)


1655-Sour dough bread (1/2 large loaf or 1 small loaf)



(All items are to be placed on a small paper plate, with a Zip-loc plastic bag over small plate of cookies.)

1656-Molasses, 4

1657-Sugar, 4

1658-Oatmeal, 4

1659-Peanut butter, 4

1660-Chocolate chip, 4

1661-Any cookie not listed, 4



(6 pieces each) 




1665-Peanut brittle

1666-Any not mentioned



(Each entry should be 1/4 of a cake homemade, no box mixes)

1667-Fresh apple, no icing

1668-Angle Food Cakes

1669-Any not listed



(In small 5'' pans)





1674-Any fruit not listed



Superintendent - Stephanie Theis


    Premiums:  1st $12; 2nd $10; 3rd $8.

     Amount offered:  $4,290

   All entry fees are $3.00 for each entry.


   All entries for Classes N and P must be entered and in place by

   3:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2024.



                                         Judging begins Saturday, August 17 at 3:30 pm


Class P Rules:

1.  Section 260.95   Junior classes are eligible for premium state aid only if they are open to boys and girls who are 8 years of age or in the third grade and not yet 21 years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair."  

2.  Any youth living outside of the county, but belonging to an organized club or group or attending school within Union or Johnson County, may enter exhibits at the Union County Fair.

3.  Each exhibitor will assume all risk for his/her exhibit.

4.  All junior entries other than livestock will be entered Saturday, August 17, 2024 between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.

5.  $3.00 entry fee per exhibit.  NO REFUNDS

6.  Each exhibitor must present a completed exhibitor's entry form with the entry fee at the time of entering exhibits.

7.  There must be an entry tag for each entry.  This tag will be secured at the point of registration at the time the exhibits are brought in.  An exhibitor may enter a class only once unless otherwise stated.

8.  Any youth that exhibits at the fair will receive a pass free of charge upon proof of exhibit.  This pass, an arm band, is good for all days of the fair. 

9.  No exhibit will be released prior to 1:00 pm on Sunday, August 18, 2024 and all exhibits must be picked up before 3:00 pm, Sunday August 25, 2024.  The fair board reserves the right to withhold payment of premiums to individuals who do not abide by this rule.

10.  The fair will not be responsible for items not claimed after 3 pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024. 

11. Division superintendents will act as supervisors of exhibits in all classes.  

12.  Decisions of the judges will be final in all classes.

13. Exhibitors may enter 2 articles in the same class.







-Vonda Hill-

All entries must be grown by the exhibitor and should be ideal market stage.

1700 - Decorative exhibit of vegetables grown by exhibitor, to include 6 varieties.

1701- Exhibit of vegetables, 1 peck at least 5 kinds, ages 8-15

1702-Exhibit of vegetables, 1 peck at least 5 kinds, ages 16-21

1703 - Commercial garden exhibit, peck, one kind of vegetable.

1704 - Pumpkin, "Best Pumpkin"

1705 - Largest field pumpkin, 1

1706 - Watermelon, 1 largest

1707 - Best watermelon

1708 - Muskmelon, 1

1709 - Sweet corn, 6 ears, this year's crop, with husk

1710-Cherry Tomatoes, 3 on a plate

1711-Tomatoes, Ripe, 3 on a plate

1712-Potatoes, White, any variety, 3 on a plate

1713-Potatoes, Red, any variety, 3 on a plate

1714-Sweet Onion, 3 on a plate

1715-Sweet Peppers, 3 on a plate

1716-Yellow Squash, 3 on a plate

1717-Zucchini Squash, 3 on a plate

1718-Okra, 3 on a plate

1719-Snap Beans, 6 on a plate

1720-Marketing Cucumbers, 3 on a plate

1721-Eggplant, 3 on a plate

1722 - Sunflower, seeded, best (most mature)

1723 - Sunflower, seeded, largest

1724 - Gourds, 3 on a plate

1725 - Any crop not otherwise mentioned

Champion crop exhibit trophy

Reserve Champion crop exhibit, trophy



Only one exhibit of flowers per class shall be allowed each exhibitor.  It is recommended that exhibits be made in narrow-necked bottles that are not taller than half of the length of the stem of the specimen exhibited.  All flower containers must be satisfactorily weighted.  Foliage should be left on the specimen exhibited.  Exhibit must be grown and entered by exhibitor.  Flowers must be entered by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 19, 2023 for judging that evening.

1726-Zinnia, giant, 1 color, 3 blooms

1727-Zinnia, dwarf, mixed colors, 3 blooms

1728-Zinnia, dwarf, 1 color, 3 blooms

1729-Zinnia, giant, mixed colors, 3 blooms

1730-Marigold, large, 3 blooms

1731-Marigold, small, 3 blooms, ages 8-15

1732-Marigold, small, 3 blooms, ages16-21

1733-Petunias, 1 color, 3 blooms, ages 8-15

1734-Petunias, 1 color, 3 blooms, ages 16-21

1735-Any bloom not listed above

1736-A collection of cut flowers, 6 blooms

1737-Perennial flower, large, 1 bloom, or small 3 blooms

1738-Fresh flower arrangement by exhibitor, ages 8-15

1739-Fresh flower arrangement by exhibitor, ages 16-21

1740-Dried artificial arrangement by exhibitor, ages 8-15

1741-Dried artificial arrangement by exhibitor, ages 16-21

1742-House plants, flowering

1743-House plants, foliage

1744-Sunflower blooms, 3

1745-Exhibit of fresh herbs

1746-Hanging basket, plant or arrangement


Champion flower exhibit Trophy

Reserve Champion Flower exhibit

Champion arrangement, Trophy

Reserve champion arrangement

Special Indoor Flower Trophy





All exhibits must be made by exhibitor. Exhibitors may have up to two entries per class. However, they must be different varieties (i.e. one may show three chocolate chip cookies on one plate and show three peanut better cookies on another plate and an entry fee would be taken for each plate).  All baked goods are to be exhibited on paper plates in a closed plastic Zip-loc bag with exhibitor tag attached to plate. No cream fillings or mixes can be used. All canned foods must be canned between 2021 and 2022 fair time, and properly labeled.


Canned Fruit and Vegetables:

1747-Jams and Jellies, 1 jelly jar

1748-Vegetables, 1 pint jar

1749-Miscellaneous, 1 pint jar (i.e. honey, sauce, salsa)



Junior Baking:

1750-Cookies, 3, exhibitor ages 8-11

1751-Cookies, 3, exhibitor ages 12-14

1752-Cookies, 3, exhibitor ages 15-21

1753-Brownies, 3, exhibitor ages 8-11

1754-Brownies, 3, exhibitor ages 12-14

1755-Brownies, 3, exhibitor ages 15-21

1756-Fruit, nut or other quick bread, ½ loaf, no slicing, ages 8-13

1757-Fruit, nut or other quick bread, ½ loaf, no slicing, ages 14-21

1758-Yeast bread or rolls, 1/2 loaf or 3 rolls

1759-Small cake or 3 cupcakes on a plate

1760-Pie crust shell or other pastry

1761-Candy, 3 pieces

1762-Microwave cooking, small cake, 3 candies, or 3 bar cookies

1763-International dessert, 3 servings, include recipe  and country originated from

1764-Cake decorating, 1/2 or small

1765-Holiday baking, 3 servings (examples: Christmas cookies, edible holiday wreaths)





-Conda Nave-

All sewing and needlework projects must be made by the exhibitor and of current year's work. All garments must be clean and well pressed.

Only one entry per class by a single exhibitor.


Exhibitors Age 8-13


1767-Wearable art painted, printed or stenciled

1768-Simple sewn article of clothing

1769-Any item not otherwise mentioned

1770-Accessories, any exhibitor 8-18





Exhibitors Age 14-18

All sewing and needlework projects must be made by the exhibitor and of current year's work. All garments must be clean and well pressed.

Only one entry per class by a single exhibitor. 


1772-Wearable art painted, printed, stenciled, beaded, or sequined

1773-Simple sewn article of clothing

1774-Recyled Garments-Made into new garment-Include picture of original garment

1775-Any garment not otherwise mentioned


Champion Clothing exhibit, Trophy given

Reserve Champion Clothing exhibit, trophy




Section 6:  HOME ARTS

1776-Knitted, crocheted, needlepoint, crewel or other needlework

1777-Best embroidered item

1778-Doll blanket, baby blanket, or quilt

1779-Ceramic item, or stone work,  exhibitor ages 8-13

1780-Ceramic item, or stone work, exhibitor ages 14-21

1781-Pretty punch, latch hook, or weaved item

1782-Decorated wall hangings, pillow, etc.; painted, printed or dyed

1783-Home arts item not otherwise mentioned,

      exhibitor ages 8-13

1784-Home arts item not otherwise mentioned,

      exhibitor ages 14-21

1785-Pillow, toy or other stuffed home arts item

1786-T-shirt quilt or throw

1787-Any holiday item

1788-Decorated Tote Purses, not sewn, ages 8-13,

1789-Decorated Tote Purses, not sewn, ages 18-21


Champion Home Arts exhibit trophy

Reserve Champion Home Arts exhibit, trophy





-Melissa Ellis-



1790-Exhibit any item made of wood not requiring advanced skills, exhibitor ages 8-11

1791-Exhibit any item made of wood, exhibitor ages 12-14

1792-Exhibit any item made of wood, exhibitor ages 15-21

1793-Exhibit of electrical or metal nature, exhibitor ages 8-13

1794-Exhibit of electrical or metal nature, exhibitor ages 14-21

Champion Woodworking Exhibit trophy

Champion electric or metal exhibit trophy 



1795-Craft item assembled by a girl from a kit, ages 8-11

1796-Craft item assembled by a girl from a kit, ages 12-14

1797-Craft item assembled by a girl from a kit, ages 15-21

1798-Craft item assembled by a boy from a kit, ages 8-11

1799-Craft item assembled by a boy from a kit, ages 12-14

1800-Craft item assembled by a boy from a kit, ages 15-21

1801-Craft item not made from a kit, girl ages 8-11

1802-Craft item not made from a kit, girl ages 12-14

1803-Craft item not made from a kit, girl ages 15-21

1804-Craft item not made from a kit, boy ages 8-11

1805-Craft item not made from a kit, boy ages 12-14

1806-Craft item not made from a kit, boy ages 15-21



1807-Exhibit of one or more models made by exhibitor (cars, boats, planes, etc.)

1808-Most interesting collection by girl, ages 8-11 (limit of 10 items)

1809-Most interesting collection by girl, ages 12-14 (limit of 10 items)

1810-Most interesting collection by girl, ages 15-21 (limit of 10 items)

1811-Most interesting collection by boy, ages 8-11 (limit of 10 items)

1812-Most interesting collection by boy, ages 12-14 (limit of 10 items)

1813-Most interesting collection by boy, ages 15-21 (limit of 10 items)

1814-Exhibit of any hobby not otherwise mentioned, ages 8-11

1815-Exhibit of any hobby not otherwise mentioned, ages 12-14

1816-Exhibit of any hobby not otherwise mentioned, ages 15-21




Section 8:  FINE ARTS

No frames.  

Work must be made by the exhibitor. 

1817-Best Original Drawing, 1 piece, Ages 8-11 (i.e. colored pencil, markers, charcoal)

1818-Best Original Drawing, 1 piece, Ages 12-14 (i.e. colored pencil, markers, charcoal)

1819-Best Original Drawing, 1 piece, Ages 15-21 (i.e. colored pencil, markers, charcoal)

1820-Best Original Painting, 1 piece, Ages 8-11 

1821-Best Original Painting, 1 piece, Ages 12-14 

1822-Best Original Painting, 1 piece, Ages 15-21


Section 9:  Photography

No frames.  Please have matted or dry mount.

Work must be made by the exhibitor. 

1823-Color Photography, Nature, Ages 8-14, 1-8x10 photo

1824-Color Photography, Nature, Ages 15-21, 1-8x10 photo

1825-Color Photography, Animals or People, Ages 8-14, 1-8x10 photo

1826-Color Photography, Animals or People, Ages 15-21, 1-8x10 photo

1827-Color Photography, Manmade Structures, Ages 8-14, 1-8x10 photo​ (i.e. buildings, bridges, etc)

1828-Color Photography, Manmade Structures, Ages 15-21, 1-8x10 photo​ (i.e. buildings, bridges, etc)

1829-Black & White/Sepia/Monochromatic Photography, Nature, Ages 8-14, 1-8x10 photo

1830-Black & White/Sepia/Monochromatic Photography, Nature, Ages 15-21, 1-8x10 photo

1831-Black & White/Sepia/Monochromatic Photography, Animals or People, Ages 8-14, 1-8x10 photo

1832-Black & White/Sepia/Monochromatic Photography, Animals or People, Ages 15-21,1-8x10 photo

1833-Black & White/Sepia/Monochromatic Photography, Manmade Structures, Ages 8-14, 1-8x10  photo (i.e. buildings, bridges, etc)

1834-Black & White/Sepia/Monochromatic Photography, Manmade Structures, Ages 15-21, 1-8x10  photo (i.e. buildings, bridges, etc)

1835-Exhibit not otherwise mentioned, Ages 8-14, 1 piece

1836-Exhibit not otherwise mentioned, Ages 15-21, 1 piece


Section 10:  Additional Media

All entries must be current years work and created by exhibitor.

1837-3D Art, Any Media, Ages 8-14 (i.e. pottery, carvings, sculptures, etc.)

1838-3D Art, Any Media, Ages 15-21 (i.e. pottery, carvings, sculptures, etc.)

1839-Exhibit not otherwise mentioned,1 piece




-Lori Rich-

1840-Essay contest subject: “How has Union County influenced your life?”  on 8 ½  X 11 paper, 1-2 pages, handwritten or typed. Ages 8-11

1841-Essay contest subject: “How has Union County influenced your life?” on 8 ½  X 11 paper, 1-2 pages, handwritten or typed. Ages 12-14

1842-Essay contest subject: “How has Union County influenced your life?” on 8 ½  X 11 paper, 1-2 pages, handwritten or typed. Ages 15-21


 Trophy awarded









Department P, Section 16:


Open to Ages 5-8


Premiums--1st:$4; 2nd: $3; 3rd:$2; 4th: $1

     Only one entry per class.

     No entry fee.


  • Open to youth of Union and Johnson Counties who are five years of age and not yet 8 years of age and completed 2nd grage.  Exhibits are to be the work of the exhibitor and must be current year's work.  Rules for these classes are included in the Junior Rules which may be found in the book at the beginning of Class P.  (Rules 2-3 and 6-13)  Please do not display any work in a glass container.

  • All baked goods should be homemade by the exhibitor. Cover names on schoolwork and artwork when possible. Original drawings and paintings should not be framed.

  • If completed 3rd grade, entries must be entered in Dept. N or P.

  • All entries must be entered and in place by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2024.  Premiums and ribbons to be awarded.

  • Articles are to be removed between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024. The Fair Association will not be responsible for articles not claimed by 3:00pm on Sunday 25, 2024.

    Exhibitors may enter two articles in the same class.



                                         Judging begins Saturday, August 17 at 3:30 pm




1850:  Essay, My County Fair, ages 5-6

1851:  Essay, My County Fair, ages 7-8

1852:  Best display of Kindergarten Work, 3-5 pieces, mounted on a poster board

1853:  Best display of First Grade Work, 3-5 pieces mounted on a poster board.

1854:  Best display of Second Grade work, 3-5 pieces mounted on a poster board.

1855:  Original Drawing, ages 5-6

1856:  Original Drawing, ages 7-8

1857:  Original painting, ages 5-6

1858:  Original painting, ages 7-8

1859:  Craft not made from a kit, ages 5-6

1860:  Craft not made from a kit, ages 7-8

1861:  Craft made from a kit, ages 5-6

1862:  Craft made from a kit, ages 7-8

1863:  Photography, ages 7-8, an exhibit, of 3-5 photographs, mounted and labeled.

1864:  Sunflowers, 3 blooms, ages 5-8

1865:  Flowers, annual, any cut, 3 blooms, ages 5-6

1866:  flowers, annual, any cut, 3 blooms, ages 7-8

***Classes 1864, 1865, 1866: Flower containers are to be weighted, and foliage should be left on specimen***

1867:  Cookies, any 3, ages 7-8

1868:  Brownies, any 3, ages 7-8

***Cookies and Brownies should be exhibited on a paper plate in a zip style bag.

1869:  Cupcakes, any 2, ages 5-6

1870:  Cupcakes, any 2, ages 7-8

1871:  Watermelon, largest, ages 5-6

1872:  Watermelon, largest, ages 7-8

1873:  Home grown vegetable, best decorated as favorite superhero or princess character, ages 5-6

1874:  Home grown vegetable, best decorated as favorite superhero or princess character, ages 7-8

1875:  Tomatoes, any 3 on a plate, one variety, ages 5-6

1876:  Tomatoes, any 3 on a plate, one variety, ages 7-8

***1875-1876 should be ideal market stage*****



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