Miss Union County Fair Queen
August 16, 2024
7:00 p. m.
General Admission
Adults $8.00, Children $5.00
Superintendents - Janice Osman - Mike Meisenheimer
The Miss Union County Fair Queen Pageant is held annually on the first Sunday night of the fair. Contestants compete for cash and prizes, including a Union County Fair Board sponsored trip to Springfield for the opportunity to compete with 70+ other county fair queens for the title of Miss Illinois County Fair. Each contestant will be judged in interview, speech, swimsuit, evening gown, and an on-stage question.
Contestants must be:
Between the ages of 16 and 21 and have not reached her 22nd birthday by January 1st of next year.
Contestants must be a resident of Union County or a resident of Jackson, Johnson, Pulaski, Alexander or Massac County(Miss division ONLY). Additional counties added do NOT have a county fair queen pageant. If any of the added counties add a fair queen pageant to their fair, those counties will no longer be eligible to compete in the Miss Union County Fair Queen Pageant.
She may not be competing or have competed in another county fair pageant in the current year and cannot be a former queen of another county fair.
Have never been married, have never had a child and cannot be an adoptive parent.
Would you like to be in the pageant this year?
Click on the link below to download the required Information/Signature packet as well as the Practice Schedule.
Pageant registration forms must be submitted online through the Jotform link below, the Miss Union County Fair Queen Pageant Facebook page or can be texted or emailed to
Janice Osman (618) 833-7777.
There will be an informational come and go meeting for all interested contestants on July 7th, 2024. The meeting will be held at the fair office located at the Anna City Park and will go from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Attendance is NOT required at the informational meeting to compete. If you are interested in competing and cannot make it to the meeting, have any questions or need the application link please contact Janice Osman at (618) 833-7777.
Deadline to enter will be Monday, July 22nd, 2024. There will be a meeting at 7p.m. at the fair office which is located at Anna City Park. Please be picture ready at the meeting, as we will be taking a group photo for the local papers and headshots for the pageant program and judge’s book.
No late applications will be accepted.